Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Pine Needle Dance ???

Izzy's Chinese name, Ting, means slim and graceful which is hysterical because she is neither. The poor darlin wipes out on a regular basis. She has been known to trip over a line in a parking lot. Well, lately she has been all into dancing. And all of her dances have a name such as the naked dance (after bath time), the elmo squirrel dance (you know the show Elmo's World on PBS Sesame Street - she swears they are saying Elmo Squirrel instead of Elmo's World), the mailbox dance (on the way to the mailbox and back) and on and on and on. All day long, she's dancing. It's very sweet. Yesterday by the pool, I was privileged to witness the pine needle dance. I rushed and grabbed my camera because I knew this would be too cute to pass up and the band aids and neosporin. Just in case :) Ok, without further adieu......

" Ta da!!!!! " She says. And not one lesson. Can you imagine? And we didn't need the bandaids....

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