Sunday, January 27, 2013


Sometimes as a mom you get frustrated...really frustrated. Recently I spent a good 45 minutes looking for Pig-o-let. I often spend time looking for Pig-o-let (as Mari calls him) and it sometimes gets on my nerves. Pig-o-let gets lost ALL the time which drives me crazy. But he's small so he's easily overlooked. He's dragged everywhere by Marianna so often he is found is odd places where you'd least expect to find him. He's been around the world (literally) and has a huge place in our hearts and in our family : )

Every morning I see his little head peeking out of the covers and it always reminds me of the first I ever saw him....she was two years old living in China at Hidden Treasures Home and we had just realized that God had called us to be her parents. I thought he was just adorable and I later learned he was more than adorable to her he was precious.

I was delighted when we got to China a year and a half later to find out that she still loved her little piglet. That first night as she lay in the hotel room in bed with her new sister not sure just yet about this new life or what to make of her new family she clung to him and rubbed his little ears on her cheek. I was starting to understand how precious her Pig-o-let was to her.

Today Pig-o-let is a bit frayed. He's looking a little worn. He's tear-stained with torn ears....

But oh how loved is Pig-o-let....
And oh how loved are you sweet girl...I promise to look for your Pig-o-let always. No matter how many times he gets lost. No matter how over it I am....I will always help you find him. I know what it means to have something precious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh! I love this. Brings back memories! Our daughter has her sheep she calls Lambie. She's 14 now, and it doesn't go everywhere with us anymore, but she gets upset when it goes missing. Lambie is so important. I love your daughter's Pig-o-let!