Thursday, April 4, 2013

Flip Flops

I can't even tell you just how important flip flops are to our Marianna. She has longed for them since I've known her. We often find her walking around in just one of Izzy's. It's been such a sad thing every summer when Izzy gets new ones. Mari is so sad that she can't wear them. Well we received a wonderful surprise two days ago. Rob had taken Marianna to get her fitting for her new leggie and all that I knew was they were going to pick it up. I had no idea that it would  be any different than what she already had. When she got home though I discovered that her new foot was the split toe design. She was finally big enough for it and I didn't even know. I was so overcome with emotion that I just wept over her. She was beaming. She went and tried on Izzy's flip flops. She was so proud that she could wear them. A serious banner day for her.

and I'm telling you there's a whole lot of spunk in her step since then....
and as you can imagine serious flip flop shopping was in order :)

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