Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sorry it's been so long.

We've been down and out lately. Izzy has had the worse case of Bronchitis. I thought she had RSV since it wouldn't go away. Three antibiotics later, breathing treatments and steroids... she is finally pulling out of it. For two days she didn't even leave her room except to go to the potty and I had to carry her. Talk about scary. Izzy has been sick a lot since she's been home but this by far was the worse one yet. She is doing better with the frequency though. This time she was well for 8 weeks!! Yeah. She was sick every third week for the first 5 months she was home. So, we are improving.

This is what I woke up to this morning. Daddy, woke up first and let me sleep an extra 15 minutes. Those 15 minutes mean a lot, coming from a grumpy sleep deprived woman on the edge.

Her Abba gave her a Hannah Montana keyboard for Christmas. Izzy had no idea who Hannah Montana was. She doesn't spend a lot of time watching TV and she is only three. It was still surprising that she didn't know who that was. She kept saying "who is that girl singing Momma". There is a demo program on there which she kept pushing. I would go to bed at night hearing "the best of both worlds" in my head. That's how much she loves it. For the last week though I haven't heard it. Yeah... But then this morning as I came down the hallway, there it was again. "It's the best of both worlds".. Uggghhh. But of course Izzy playing keyboard and singing was the sweetest. She is feeling better for sure. And then she tells me "Momma, I sing just like Hammah Pattanah." I had to write that one down in the baby book. I didn't even have the heart to correct her. It was just too cute.

1 comment:

Mission To Macie said...

Oh My Goodness....we miss her so much! I am glad she is feeling better.

We can't wait to see y'all at CNY!
AND we are doing a little cny thingy here at preschool next should dress Izzy in her China silk dress and bring her......

give us a call here at the school
