Saturday, February 21, 2009

Be Mine and Throw Me Something Mister .... It's been a busy week

Our great friends, the Arnolds that as I'm typing this it struck me funny that the only time we've ever been with them was in China. They live here in the US but we've only hung out together in China. Strange !! Anyway, our good friends the Arnolds sent Izzy a Valentine's package last week complete with new jammies, a princess back pack, Love slippers, a pink and red tutu and Bubble Gum flavored lip gloss. Boy were they a hit. All day she was dressed up as a "Valentine's Princess" with bubble gum flavored lip gloss everywhere..... Izzy has decided that she loves all of these special holidays we have here in America. I bet....

I've been telling her all about Mardi Gras and I explained to her that we are going to a parade this weekend and that everyone gets dressed up in costumes and they throw beads. And this is how she thinks she is going to leave the house. She would actually fit right in with the New Orleans crowd.

We of course took the more subdued route and hit the parades uptown at St. Stephens where it's a family type of atmosphere and there is a nice clean potty available. For it to be a good day at the parades there must be a clean potty !!!

Daddy got a great workout today. He held Izzy for two parades (about 50 floats).

Izzy and Noah eating while we waited for the parades to start.

My sweet girl visiting with Mommy for a minute until the next float then it was back in Daddy's arm.

So what do you do after an entire day of Mardi Gras parades ? You come home and play parade...

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I love that second picture!!! What's wrong with that outfit? You can be sure that you are cute when you can pull off a look like that. HAHAHA
Thanks for sharing!