Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm such a cry baby these days !!!

Yes, of course I cried. The Olympics this year has meant so much to me.... I'm sure to many of you too. I'm always sad when the Olympics ends, but this year it was really bad. I Tivoed the closing ceremonies so that I wouldn't miss anything. And then proceeded to cry so much that I got a sinus headache and couldn't go to sleep till 2 a.m. Having the Olympics in China the same year that we brought Izzy home has been really cool. I'm going to save it for her to watch one day when she's older and really can appreciate how the world saw her country. Even if it was just for 17 days. This world has seen a different China. I could not be more proud of my daughter's birth country. Yes, China has issues.... Well, obviously so does the US. It's funny, but before Izzy, China was about at the bottom of my list of places in this world that I wanted to see. So, you can imagine how surprised I was when I fell in love with it. It's the country that gave me the daughter of my heart. Hopefully it's the country I'll go back to one day to bring Izzy's sister home ~ God willing.


MississippiZen said...

I'm right there with you :) I keep telling John that we are moving there for a year or so when Lilli and Raegan are older ... he thinks I'm nuts! I feel such affinity for China and can't believe I'm on the verge of being there in just a few short days.

See you tomorrow!

Adele said...

I couldn't agree with you more, Lisa. Nobody can understand how we feel unless they have been there. I left a piece of my heart in China. I remember crying when we flew out of China to head home. It was bittersweet.
It was so nice meeting you the other day at Margie's shower. Have a great week!

Amy said...

Lisa...your sentiments are so mine! Why was it so sad to see it end? I think it made us feel connected. We woke up and there it was in our home every day, everwhere, this country that we love the place of the physical birth of our children into our arms. Thank you for putting words to what I was feeling last night. Love you, adoptions sister, and by the way I am so ready to go back for sisters!!