Saturday, September 6, 2008

I could be a cat..... at least for a little while

Yes, I'm a cat person. I'm not really as weird as a normal cat person. Some of my friends would disagree, but I don't think I'm like the bizarre "cat lady" or anything like that. I love my cats though. Fiercely protective of them. Even though two of them weigh 23 and 25 lbs and need little protection.
The last time we evacuated prior to Gustav was for Katrina and we went to Lumberton, MS.. Well, that was not far enough. The roof blew off, so we ended up in Gatlinburg, TN. An eleven hour trek with two teenagers, Gunny, our Golden Retriever, Belle, our Black Lab, 3 Maine Coons (Ferrin, Crash and Sarah Leigh) and a stray cat from my office, Sunny D. Needless to say, in case you're not a cat person, they don't travel well. At least not without medication. I thought that trip would have done them in. When we got back home three weeks later, they all rallied and came back to life. Cats hate change, as do I.

So this time, I was worried. I'm down to three cats and 1 dog. They are all getting pretty old, so the ride even though just an hour this time was pretty traumatic for them. When we got to the farm they all hide under the bed for the two days while we were there. Then on Tuesday morning when we left, I traumatized them again by dragging them from under the bed ( ever try to put a 25 lb ticked off cat into a plastic box ??~ not easy!!!) and put them back in their kennels for the ride home. Imagine my car, Izzy crying and three cats completely tripping out when the car starts moving. Izzy is crying because the cats are crying. She says they are sad. Not so, they are really mad, but Izzy insists they are sad because they are in the kennels and she wants to let them out for the ride home. No way, Jose..... I tell her. So, for the hour ride home, everyone cried. Including me !!!!

We all got back home on Tuesday and I swear my cats have been sleeping since. No one has hardly moved. They are not dead !! Really, I keep checking on them. I just think they're exhausted. I would love to get 8 hours of sleep much less the 18 to 20 hours a day they've been getting. The electricity came back on Thursday evening and I've been cleaning ever since then. It's amazing how dirty your house can get while in the dark for three days. You can't see how bad it is.... It's terrible.
So, I could really stand to be a cat.... at least for a little while.