Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yes, we got our LOA today from China. Woo Hoo.....89 long days of waiting. So, wow. What now? A little more waiting : ( but a big step in the right direction. Praise God.

Yesterday we went to Children's Hospital for Mari's myo-electric hand fitting. Oh my she was something. She tried it on and was able to open and close beautifully. Tears and more tears over this hand. My tears...not hers : ) I'm just so in awe of her in how she is handling all of this. The color matched so well. It looks very real. In five minutes she was able to pick up a roll of masking tape and hand it to me. By the time we left she was opening and closing her hand over and over and it's not even fully assembled. It had wires hanging out. It looked robotic because the outer covering/glove wasn't on it yet. She didn't care though. It's a tool for her life and she immediately used it. She is so smart. It was quite impressive. I'm still blown away by the myo-electric process in general. But seeing my Mari with a hand and watching her use it was a lot for this Momma yesterday.  God is so good. So good to us.

Tomorrow we start our spiritual pilgrimage. Oh how we covet your prayers.  There's a lot going on with our family right now and I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all. I joked earlier with a friend that it feels a lot like a roller coaster ride....exhilarating but at the same time I might have to throw up : )

More to come.....much love, lisa


Melissa said...

LOA YIPPEEEE! Huge step to holding your little man. Praying for you on your journey.

Kari C. said...

Woo Hoo! So happy to hear the news! Are you moving west? We would love for you to be closer to Nebraska!! Praying for a quick TA! Love ya!