Sunday, May 12, 2013

Uniting with my Boy

Uniting with my Boy - 1 year Gotcha Day (through Daddy's eyes)....

I knew I was on a mission...on a holy mission from God. I was in China alone, as the ambassador for our family on the journey to be united with Josiah...

As I walked through the streets of Wuhan, in the Hubei Province in China, on the day before I was to officially and tangibly become his Dad, I experienced a peace that surpasses all understanding! I knew our lives were about to change again with this addition to our family, but the calm was there...God all way!

The ride to the official meeting place was surreal. It was our driver, my translator and myself. It was exciting but rather quiet. As we got in the elevator I could not have realized what would be waiting for me as the doors opened...

As the doors opened (I was expecting to go from the elevators perhaps down a hall and into some room or lobby) I saw a small boy leading a man around in circles...he had wild hair (for a Chinese kid) and was kind of being goofy in a playful way. I heard my guide/interpreter ask the man something in Mandarin and she looked at me and said this was Jian Guo, my son. See, I didn't even recognize him right then and there.

It was all so surreal that it took me a few seconds to let that sink in...I think I was in shock. When I called his name he came to me...and then it happened, that moment when the absurdity of that kind of union (two seemingly strangers meeting) intersects with this crazy outpouring of God's grace! And in an instant Jian Guo, held my hand and led me around the floor of this government building. He got in my arms and became one with me...

I'm not saying that we didn't have a few rough patches those first few hours, days, etc...because in fact we did...and still do. What I am saying is that the ground that we walked on for the rest of the days of the trip became holy ground. The bonding process began and the sweet connection of a father and his son was cemented. I learned to love feeding him, dressing him and caring for him. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but I know it was also one of the most holy of times for me...

I love my little boy...I love him so much. I don't understand his needs perfectly. I don't understand how to meet his needs always. I know I am his Dad. I know he is my son. I know he loves me...and he knows I love him. That's all we need...


And he will know that all of this is possible because, God first loved us!

1 comment:

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

LOVE reading this post~ what a sweet time for you two! God is so good!!! Blessings and love!