Monday, December 3, 2012

This week

What a busy week....

Home schooling like crazy to stay caught up so we can go home for two weeks at Christmas

Since Josiah came home school has been...hmmm... a little rough. He's not one bit ready for school (other than saying the pledge...he loves trying to do that).  So, while I'm teaching I'm also trying to keep him off of the counters, keep him out of the washer, keep him from plugging in the vacuum....etc etc...good grief etc etc!!! This week though something has shifted. He's settling down some. He's learning his numbers, colors and letters. He actually sat down for 5 minutes at a time and colored. Wow..he's so different from my girls. Educating him is going to be an interesting journey to say the least. For now, he's just being three and adjusting to his new family so I'm not pushing school. Taking it very slow.

But because he's settled some recently I've been able to focus more on home school and my sweet girls have had an awesome week of school. How I love teaching them.  What I once thought of as the most difficult thing in the world has since become such a joy for me.
Not that it's easy, but now I fully recognize it as my calling and know without a doubt that there's nothing else in the world I should be doing. Glory to God..without His grace I wouldn't have the patience to do it : )

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